Saturday 9 May 2020

Does anyone remember Hillary Clinton?  Well, there are quite a few people in the publishing industry as well as groups of liberal admirers gathering together at book retailers across the country that would like to make sure that we “never forget” her.
The former first lady, secretary of state, and presidential candidate who garnered millions more American votes than Donald Trump, has been on a whirlwind tour to promote her newest book, “What Happened”.  In Bowman’s Bluff, Utah, yesterday, fans gathered at the Reading is Believing bookstore discovered the answer to “What Happened” seems to be: “The Hill-Dawg just gave her last f*ck.”
Joe Barron, the outlet’s assistant manager squealed like a schoolgirl to a reporter from Utah’s Latter Day Queef about some jokes Clinton made to her audience that might seem inappropriate to us normal people:
“She was discussing the second chapter of her book with a young lady in a pro-choice t-shirt and bare feet who said the pacing was: ‘a little slow.’  Mrs. Clinton grinned and blurted out: ‘Like Libyan ambassadors trying to Sprint to an exit?’  The whole crowd laughed.  Then she said: ‘You know, when you go to Benghazi, there are so many fun things to do, by the end of the trip, you’ll feel like you’ve been dragged down the street!’  Again, her fans all laughed and even applauded.  I was a little disturbed myself.  Of course it was early, and I was hungrier than a Russian hooker in Donald Trump’s hotel room.”

Although somehow, in a public place with hundreds of gathered people and staff, no recording of any kind was made of the Conservative Boogywoman’s jabs, which, in sane circles might indicate that none of it ever actually happened, Tea Party mental cases across the country are enraged and calling for Hillary’s impeachment, imprisonment, spaying, and whatever else they can misspell on their Facebook pages full of gullible dipshittery.